What Are The Goals of Family Therapy?

In family therapy, the clients and therapist set goals together. The ongoing process of goal development incorporates significant input from everyone involved. 

As we co-create goals throughout our work together, I honor each client’s autonomy as a fully capable individual. Sometimes, participants in therapy struggle to this for themselves; that is, to actualize their own strengths. When this occurs, I take it as an opportunity to reflect them back to you, as a reminder. 

My aims as a family therapist are: 

  • To enhance each family member’s ability to think critically about their individual mental patterns, feelings, and behaviors, ultimately giving you all the tools to do this on your own

  • To offer useful, well-informed observations about your current communication patterns 

  • To support your ability to integrate everyone’s perspectives on the challenges arising within your family relationships

  • To build psychological and emotional connections that enable you to understand and validate one another

  • To co-construct a language for discussing relevant dynamics that leaves everyone feeling acknowledged, understood, and optimistic about the future

The essence of family therapy is increased confidence in your collective ability to engage in healthy and functional relationships with one another. This may mean that:

  • You gain a stronger understanding of where the problem areas really are within your family

  • You co-exist more easily within your family

  • You learn to accept aspects of self and other that will never change

  • You improve the mental health and well-being of future generations in your family

  • And more

Authentic engagement in family therapy can revolutionize the way you understand yourself and each other.


What to Expect in Individual Therapy


What to Expect at Family Therapy